
Approach, Design & Technology

Through my experiences, I've amassed a repertoire of trusted patterns, concepts, tools, and technologies that I can apply to the creation of all types of digital products.

I adhere to the Agile philosophy of prioritizing people over process, consistently resulting in work of the utmost quality.

  • approach

    A/B/n Testing

    Persistently evaluate language, layouts, and flows to determine the optimal product decisions.
  • approach

    Civil Disagreement

    I always voice my opinion if I believe improvements could be made, and respectful dissent often leads to superior solutions for the problem at hand.
  • approach

    Clients In Slack

    Slack enables me to sustain constant communication with my remote team and clients. It keeps my communication context-specific, tidy, and well-organized.
  • approach

    Consolidate Knowledge

    I diligently strive to centralize all the information I gather, thereby creating a single source of truth accessible to all team members.
  • technology


    I use Python for its simplicity, readability, vast libraries, and versatility, enabling efficient data analysis and web development.
  • design

    Design-Driven Roadmap

    Roadmaps lacking design prototypes frequently overlook crucial aspects. Prioritizing design effectively addresses this issue.
  • design

    Design Follows Understanding

    I sketch until an idea is mature enough for prototyping. Thorough comprehension of a problem streamlines the design process.
  • approach

    Emotional Awareness

    Product launches can be emotionally charged and stressful. I adapt to a project's circumstances with finesse and discretion.
  • approach

    Get Shit Done

    Occasionally, it's wiser to act and evaluate rather than endlessly debate all possibilities. I prefer getting shit done.
  • technology

    Google Cloud

    I utilize GCP for load balancing and deployment, ensuring optimal resource distribution and seamless application updates across multiple servers.
  • technology


    After a decade of building apps with Node.js, I still find it often the most efficient tool for rapidly developing APIs. It might not be the latest trend, but what it excels at, it does extraordinarily well.
  • technology


    React.js enables me to construct large, complex applications from simple, manageable components, 2-3 times faster than any other JavaScript framework I've utilized.
  • approach

    Remote Work

    Working remotely grants me the liberty to work when and how I am most efficient, free from distractions.
  • approach

    Weekly Iterations

    I operate in weekly development increments to harmonize concentrated effort with the flexibility to pivot as fresh ideas and data surface.
  • approach

    Write It Down

    While discussion is beneficial, it must be condensed into clear, concise writing that aligns a team towards a shared objective.